
B. Mayfield, 41, Illinois

When I started the coaching process with Saundra I quickly and easily felt comfort and validation talking about the OCPD that my husband deals with as well as how it effects my own life's journey. She was able to relate and dive into the complications and struggles that have caused my marriage strain for years with her personal experiences. She asked powerful questions at appropriate times and gave me new insights and thought processes to better understand my feelings as a wife with someone with OCPD and as a mom of two young daughters who are dealing with a parent that has OCPD.

She coached me to see acceptance and perception as tools to use to work with the husband I love instead of fight the OCPD he endures. I felt heard and validated in this coaching experience. Since beginning this coaching experience I have formed a more understanding bond with my husband and I have one love him and my children for exactly who they are.

I also discussed my need for a shift in spirituality and she encouraged me to take steps towards having a greater presence of faith in my life through scripture reading and open-mindedness.

I am so grateful for this opportunity to coach with Saundra and have found her to be a kind, wise and strong woman, wife, mother, nurse and coach!


Aleta Rodriquez, 54 , CA

It has been life changing working with Saundra. I look forward to meeting with her each week to learn, celebrate, and laugh. Before working with Saundra, there was no place in my home to call my own where I could relax and recharge. Telling others what I wanted or needed was difficult because pleasing others, not being an inconvenience, and the fear of making others angry were bigger concerns to me. After working with Saundra, I have a studio in my home that my family respects as my space where I can do yoga, meditate, take classes, and have zoom meetings. I have learned to express my needs and take care of myself. My family can see the difference and appreciate the quality of time and care that I can give them now because of it. I recommend creating a coaching team with Saundra to everyone who wants to start making the changes that will expand their lives. Often we already know the parts of our lives that are unbalanced and need work. Saundra will shine a light on them so they are brought to the surface in the safest most comfortable setting that is created by both of you. I am so appreciative of participating in these sessions and look forward to all I can become with the help of my coach Saundra.


Jacquelyn (Jackie) S., 66, CA

Prior to participating in Nurse Coaching with Saundra Boyd my life was somewhat chaotic; responding to “mini crises” of my adult loved ones (Son and Granddaughter) who both experience mental health challenges. I had thought I was practicing self care, come to find out, “not so much” as I was focused on caring and loving others before myself. I was ungrounded, searching for substance and genuine purpose and deep self acceptance in my life.

I was positively impacted by Saundra’s kind gentle nature and effective intervention suggestions. She implemented Spirituality, Self-Care, Mindfulness and Gratitude Practices that now I practice daily. Saundra was always gentle in her guidance, going at my pace, making sure I was comfortable with the activities and suggestions and then discussing the next week if I was able to put then to use and discussing the result and effectiveness of the new items implemented weekly.

My experience working with Saundra was somewhat of an epiphany for me in several arenas, especially spiritually, as she showed me how much grace and love in God by modeling this herself in her kind caring manner. She was ever kind, compassionate and met me where I was. I enjoyed the entire experience and value the daily activities she taught me as they were simple to add to my daily routine, she practiced them with me in our sessions. They proved exceptionally calming to me; mantras, mindfulness, gratitude journaling. Saundra has a way of compassionate caring that can bring you to tears of joy, self acceptance, and we could laugh together also. This is rare in today’s world. What I liked most about the coaching relationship is the very genuine nature of it. I was able to be me without judgment; in fact, I felt total acceptance and respected of who I am as a Mom, Grandma, Caregiver, and Woman seeking to improve my life.

I continue to use the mantras, mindfulness activities, gratitude journaling and have used the suggestions on how to better connect with others quite effectively and lovingly.

I have learned to genuinely love myself, something that I wasn’t very good at in the beginning of our sessions.


Julie R., 60, CA

When approached with an invitation to participate in the nursing coaching sessions, I was at a place in my life feeling that was emotionally and physically exhausted. These sessions have shown me how easily I had allowed myself to get to this place in my life.

Saundra Boyd, Nursing Coach allowed me to speak my truth and I was comfortable enough with her to not have a feeling of being judged or in a condescending manner. I never felt like any less than a person for expressing my truth. Although, the sessions are in a professional setting on Zoom, I knew our bubble was a safe place. I did laugh a few times; when a statement made was then presented as a question…..I know understand that there is no reason to be afraid to state how I feel if I’m not comfortable with how things are going around me.

I have also realized that, although I didn’t think so-I do eat comfort food when I feel that I need it. As a result to the coaching sessions, I talked about my need to make my health as a priority to live a better and have a more fulfilling life. I have realized that my sluggishness is a part of the food I’m eating, lack of exercise and other events in my life (brought out during my coaching sessions). I’ve made a few changes in my diet by no longer eating peanut butter as my source of protein & I’m missing it- the almond butter is an acquired taste. I have walked and did my personal 70’s Disco dance party. This diet and lack of exercise didn’t happen overnight, so it’s, “one day at a time”.

Since my coaching sessions have taken place, I haven’t had the need to use my new power of saying, “no” if needed. I have taken the time necessary to remove myself from certain situations and also have the power of knowing that I do not have to revisit certain past instances, if I don’t feel the need to.

I’ve never thought about talking to a profession about me and just my life. I always felt like I could just handle it and see now that I’ve allowed the crappy things to just happen to me over and over. At 60, I’m enjoying my new power and becoming the best me!


Lauren Coelco., 33 , CA

I thoroughly enjoyed working with Saundra during our sessions together. She is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom and was able to ask the powerful questions to help guide me in creating goals to enhance my life. She is kind, down to earth, professional, and easy to talk to. It was a joy working with her and getting to know her on a deeper level and I appreciate her compassionate nature. I have no doubt that she will make an amazing nurse coach!


Carolina Reyes, 44, CA

Prior to working with you, Saundra, I was poorly managing my own personal affairs; essentially neglecting myself. I struggled with setting appropriate self-care boundaries for myself and easily became depressed and overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities that I have in my life. One of the most difficult thing to cope with has been the onset of my oldest son’s severe mental illness; requiring 6+ acute psychiatric admissions in less than two years. With each episode he experienced, I felt as if I was losing my own personal sanity and it would exacerbate my depressive symptoms that also began with the onset of my son’s SMI. Stress has commonly made me feel as if I was going to spiral out of control and many times has made me feel like just giving up on and allowing everything to just go by the wayside; such as appointments, work, any responsibilities that didn’t apply to my children, and the last of my concerns would be my health.

The coaching I have received from you Saundra, has been one of the most influential and refreshing experiences I have had truly since the onset of my son’s SMI and my depression. I met with a therapist for about 2 months and quit because I could not establish rapport nor did I feel safe in sessions. I have not resumed therapy since and although I remain committed now to re-establishing counseling for myself, I don’t know that I would be as motivated had it not been for my coaching sessions with you. The coaching not only helped me gain insight and a new perspective on self-care, but the safety that you established in our coaching sessions I believe was pivotal to my progress. The weekly goal and objective settings and your interventions throughout our sessions, allowed me to see how effective breaking those things down can be so that I don’t get overwhelmed trying to make changes. I was able to see how healing and empowering caring for myself, first and foremost, can be to my overall well-being. It also allowed me to set realistic goals that felt great to accomplish.

I enjoyed working with you so much! What I enjoyed and appreciated most about our sessions was the compassionate and graceful space you created for me to be vulnerable with you. That in turn allowed me to work on things that mattered most to me. I would recommend your coaching to anyone. With or without a diagnosed mental illness. I think we can all use coaching sessions to allow us to explore and learn better ways of managing stress in our lives. No one is immune to stressors; however, we do not have to allow those stressors to decompensate our well-being. This is probably how many illnesses are triggered to begin with; poor habits in managing our health.


Valerie Shawver, 59, CA

I am writing this testimonial to thank Coach Saundra for helping me work through a difficult time I was/am having. Being 58 years old and self- employed my whole working career I find myself at a crossroad. I can’t physically keep up the same work pace but at the same time I’m not financially secure enough to retire. Working with Saundra has helped me to step out of my comfort zone and explore other career options. She gives me a safe space to talk about and purge personal issues that may be blocking me from career success and from living a fuller more grateful life.



Working with Saundra as a mindfulness partner over the last several weeks has been a joy. I always feel relaxed and comfortable sharing in her presence. The mindfulness exercises were enjoyable and Saundra’s tone of voice and ability to hold space made the experience very pleasant. Saundra’s comforting aura made opening up and being comfortable during mindfulness practice much easier.

Since beginning sessions with Saundra I have found more ease with initiating pauses for breathing and incorporating mindfulness exercises into my own sessions with clients.


Katie Allen, CA

Saundra was my first mindfulness partner. This was a new experience for me so I didn't know what to expect. Saundra made me feel at ease and helped me learn new ways to practice mindfulness. Her feedback was always insightful and encouraged me to want to go deeper. She was open and honest with me which helped me grow in my own practice. I feel that the time I spent with Saundra was beneficial and I would recommend her to anyone wanting to grow in their own mindfulness practices.

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